Installing Ghost on a $5 Digital Ocean Droplet

Installing Ghost on a $5 Digital Ocean Droplet

Trying to upgrade Ghost and install the ghost-cli I was getting the below error on my $5 Digital Ocean droplet... /var/www/ghost$ sudo npm i -g ghost-cli npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use uuid module instead Killed .....] | extract:ghost-cli: sill doParallel extract 569 Digital Ocean recommend their $10 droplet for Ghost, however I've only got this small blog running, and the $5 one seems to run it fine for me (especially when combined with Cloudflare). The fix to this was eas…

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Creating an 'elite' highly anonymous proxy with Squid on Debian

This is a simple guide on how to setup a Debian VM for use as an ‘elite’ web proxy. There are 3 types of web proxy server and what type they are basically just comes down to which HTTP Headers they include about who you are. Transparent Proxy REMOTE_ADDR: Proxy IP address HTTP_VIA: Proxy IP address/hostname and details – e.g. 1.1 (squid/2.7.STABLE9) HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: Your real IP address Anonymous** Proxy** REMOTE_ADDR: Proxy IP address HTTP_VIA:   Pr…

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An easy way to copy your ssh public key to a remote host using ssh-copy-id on OSX

Here is a good little tip to save you some time uploading your public key to a remote host (tested to work on OSX Lion). ssh-copy-id copies your key up to a remote host (via ssh with your password) and even assigns the correct permission to home, ~/.ssh, and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys directories for you. For some reason it doesn’t ship with OSX, but you can just copy it from your remote linux host and it’ll work fine. First copy ssh-copy-id down from your remote host… sudo scp [email protected]

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