Migrating a Windows 7 VM from Parallels to Proxmox

Migrating a Windows 7 VM from Parallels to Proxmox

Migrate a virtual machine from Parallels to Proxmox by following these steps. I did it with a Windows 7 VM, which this guide will focus on, but a lot of it will be the same for any version. Step 1: Accessing and Extracting .hds Files First, locate your Parallels VM package. This is typically a .pvm file. Right-click on the .pvm file and select "Show Package Contents." Inside, you’ll see several files, including .hdd files for each virtual drive. Right-click each .hdd file and select "Show Pack…

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tvOS 17 has VPN support. How to use Tailscale to VPN to a Vulture server and watch geo restricted streaming services directly on your Apple TV

tvOS adding VPN support is a big deal for those of us that want as hassle free connection to geo restricted streaming services. You can't use BBC iPlayer from outside the UK for example and they also block a lot of IP ranges, such as that of Digital Ocean. In this guide, I recommend Linode for a basic Linux server on their shared CPU hosts, as their data centres don't seem to have their had their IPs blocked by the streaming services I use yet, at least at the time of writing. The cost of one…

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Turning off File Vault via macOS Recovery Console

Turning off File Vault via macOS Recovery Console

If you have having trouble with File Vault on a drive and you need to turn if off from the Internet Recovery Console, here are the steps to do it... * 1.Start up for Mac in Recovery Mode, like this on Intel Macs and this for Apple Silicone * 2.Click Utilities > Terminal from the menu bar at the top. * 3.Enter... diskutil apfs list * 4.Look for the volume with FileVault set to Yes that you want to decrypt, select…

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How to view UniFi Protect access logs on UniFi Dream Machine Pro

How to view UniFi Protect access logs on UniFi Dream Machine Pro

To a view the user access logs on a Dream Machine Pro, simply connect to the device via SSH, then you can enter the command... sudo tail -n 100 /mnt/data_ext/unifi-os/unifi-protect/logs/clientnotify.log Change the number after the -n to select how many lines to search. If you want to view the logs in a more readable format and search for a specific user, simply add the text "| grep "USERS_NAME", like this... sudo tail -n 100 /mnt/data_ext/unifi-os/unifi-protect/logs/clientnotify.log | grep…

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Windows Server 2022 Change Time Zone Greyed Out

Have you just installed Windows Server 2022 Desktop Experience edition, and found it's configured to US time and can't change it? Open an elevated command prompt (Start Menu > type 'cmd' > right click > 'Run as Administrator') Enter 'timedate.cpl' to open the old Time & Date applet... And change the settings to whatever is appropriate...…

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