How to watch iPlayer, NowTV, etc. using a UK 4G SIM, an Ubiquiti UniFi DreamMachine and Ubiquiti UniFi LTE

How to watch iPlayer, NowTV, etc. using a UK 4G SIM, an Ubiquiti UniFi DreamMachine and Ubiquiti UniFi LTE

If you have an unlimited 4g SIM from a UK network provider, you'll be able to watch NowTV, iPlayer, etc. directly from your mobile data. This is because you're tunneled back to the UK, and your traffic comes out of a UK IP address. If you have an Ubiquiti UniFi DreamMachine or DreamMachine Pro and a UniFi LTE device for 4G backup, you can create a traffic rule to use the UniFi LTE device for the iPlayer traffic, so it seemlessly works over your normal WiFi without the need for a VPN. To do thi…

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Sonos on Meraki

If you're adding Sonos to a new Meraki network, make sure to allow "Wireless clients accessing LAN" under Wireless > Firewall & traffic shaping ...…

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Installing Ghost on a $5 Digital Ocean Droplet

Installing Ghost on a $5 Digital Ocean Droplet

Trying to upgrade Ghost and install the ghost-cli I was getting the below error on my $5 Digital Ocean droplet... /var/www/ghost$ sudo npm i -g ghost-cli npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use uuid module instead Killed .....] | extract:ghost-cli: sill doParallel extract 569 Digital Ocean recommend their $10 droplet for Ghost, however I've only got this small blog running, and the $5 one seems to run it fine for me (especially when combined with Cloudflare). The fix to this was eas…

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